Channel: Seznam.name - Vyhledávání slova: hollywood
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Anonymous was created by the CIA as a false flag.Anonymous is nothing more than controlled opposition in a Hegelian dialectic tactic in order to create internet censorship and tighter security putting more control into the governments hands in the name of "safety."Now fake wannabe truther kids put on masks of a Jesuit agent named Guy Fawkes made popular by Hollywood and go to protests that are funded by George Soros thinking they are fighting the new world order but in reality are helping the NWO.The CIA does all high level and high security hacks that are covered by the media while the gullible kids that are tech savvy who joined anonymous only are responsible for low level hacks like small websites and social media.All major hacks are done by the CIA, FBI and other government agencies. Anonymous' motto was derived from a verse in Mark 5:9 from the bible.Legion as they call themselves is a collective of demons that were cast out of a man and into several pigs by Jesus Christ.

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