Actress Hilary Duff's French Bulldog"Frenchie Beau" died Tuesday afternoon, sending Duff to Instagram to share how difficult it was to say a final goodbye.
"I can't fathom never holding his heavy little head in my hands with his two big eyes looking at me again," she wrote. "Remember every day to be grateful for what we have that makes our hearts happy and full."
Heartbreak over a pet is a rough. Losing a pet can be particularly hard because pet owners often feel like they have to go through the grieving process alone, Michele Pich, an animal grief counselor at the University of Pennsylvania told The Huffington Post.
While there are a lot of similarities in losing an animal loved one and a human loved one, "pet owners are really up against people not understanding how tough that loss can be, and how all of your emotions are affected," Pich said.
The majority of people will go through the trauma of losing and grieving over a friend or family, but not everyone experiences the lov