Another illegal alien rapist was at work with his and his victim's pants down in an ally when an American good guy (Trevor Logan) saved the woman from being violated! Too bad our corrupt politicians in DC are letting illegals in to rape and kill across America each day!Fight back against illegal alien criminals with Samaritan stops downtown rapeWitness says he couldn't walk away from attempted rapeSPRINGFIELD, Mo. -The man who saved a woman from a would be rapist speaks Castellanos Rivera, 26, is behind bars after police tracked him down at a downtown bar. A quick thinking man stepped in to help."All of a sudden I saw a guy have a girl kind of in a head lock. And I thought maybe for a second, maybe they were just playing around or something, but I faintly heard her say no please, no," said Trevor say Castellanos pinned a lady against a brick wall in downtown Springfield, then dragged her into an alley near College and Market streets, just west of Hollywood Theaters."I slowly walked in the alley and slowly went around the corner because he had her pinned against this trash can fence area and I noticed there were a lot of inappropriate things going and she noticed me. The smart thing about what she did was when she noticed me, she stared at me, which alerted him-- somebody is behind me, so he then turned to me and I looked at him, and looked at her and she in a mute manner said help me, please, help me. Then I asked the dude, what are you doing man? Then I stepped toward him and he just took off," Logan was able to give police a good description of later arrested him at a downtown say Castellanos denied what happened and told police-- he just doesn't want to be deported from the United rapes have been reported to police from June 1 through today-- just in downtown of this report and video